68. Да си записвам описания и определения от речници и енциклопедии за думи или предмети.

Започвам с едно математическо понятие, останалите дефиниции ще добавям като коментари. Вашето включване е силно желателно.

Числата на Фибоначи в математиката образуват редица, която се дефинира рекурсивно по следния начин:

  • F(0) = 0
  • F(1) = 1
  • F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2)

Започва се с 0 и 1, а всеки следващ член на редицата се получава като сума на предходните два. Първите няколко числа на Фибоначи са:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, …

Коментари (126) Публикувано на 19/11/2006 в Идеи

Коментари (126)

  1. 20/11/2006

    rendeto каза:

    Хайку е стихотворна миниатюра от три стиха с определена ритмика и без рими. Метриката й се изгражда от 17 срички в последователност 5-7-5.

  2. 21/11/2006

    rendeto каза:

    Златно сечение (известно още като златна пропорция, златен коефициент или божествена пропорция) е ирационално число в математиката, което изразява отношение на части, за които по-малката част се отнася към по-голямата, така както по-голямата към цялото. То се отбелязва с гръцката буква φ и има стойност приблизително равна на 1,618. Златното сечение е не само математическо понятие, то е символ за красота, хармония и съвършенство в изкуството, науката и природата. Терминът “златно сечение” е въведен от Леонардо да Винчи като пропорция за “идеалното човешко тяло”.

  3. 27/11/2006

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    Числовата стойност на Пи, закръглена до 64-тия знак след десетичната запетая, е:

    3,14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 58209 74944 5923

  4. 23/12/2006

    rendeto каза:

    Mint condition is an expression used in the description of pre-owned goods. Originally, the phrase comes from the way collectors describe the condition of coins. As the name given to a coin factory is a ‘mint’, then mint condition is the condition a coin is in as it leaves the mint. Over time, the term “mint” began to be used to describe many different items having excellent, like-new quality.
    When describing trading cards, perfect condition is used to describe the condition as it is when pulled from a pack, mint would be new but opened.
    Mint condition is often used to describe a collectible item such as a model figure, doll, or toy that has never been removed from its box, or in some cases is as good as new without any scratches or other. The term is also very widely used in record collecting.

  5. 18/01/2007

    rendeto каза:

    The butterfly effect is a phrase that encapsulates the more technical notion of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in chaos theory. Small variations of the initial condition of a dynamical system may produce large variations in the long term behavior of the system.
    The phrase refers to the idea that a butterfly’s wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that ultimately cause a tornado to appear (or, for that matter, prevent a tornado from appearing). The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale phenomena.

  6. 28/01/2007

    rendeto каза:

    Хората зад рекламите се наричат копирайтъри и работят в творческите отдели на рекламните агенции. Копирайтърите измислят рекламните текстове. В това число попадат не само слогани, но и рутинни текстове в дипляни и брошури. За създаването на една реклама копирайтърът работи съвместно с дизайнер, който пък отговаря за цялостната визия на продукта.

  7. 23/02/2007

    rendeto каза:

    A fractal is a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be subdivided in parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced size copy of the whole.

  8. 26/02/2007

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    Anaglyph images are used to provide a stereoscopic 3d effect, when viewed with 2 color glasses (each lens a different color). Images are made up of two color layers, superimposed, but offset with respect to each other to produce a depth effect.

  9. 03/04/2007

    rendeto каза:

    Тераформирането е теоретичен процес на подмяна условията на планета към такива, годни за обитаване от хора. Терминът придоби популярност около намеренията на учените за колонизиране на Марс.

  10. 03/04/2007

    rendeto каза:

    Олмеките са древна южноамериканска индианска племенна общност, населявала територията на днешно Мексико. В историческите паметници се споменава за тях от 2-ро хилядолетие пр. н. е. Съществуват около хиляда години, като през този период създават развита цивилизация, която след 600 пр. н. е. започва да запада, а около 200 пр. н. е. престава да съществува.

  11. 10/04/2007

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    Тарту (на естонски Tartu) е град в Източна Естония, втори по големина в страната. За разлика от Талин, днешната политическа и финансова столица на Естония, Тарту често е определян като нейния интелектуален и културен център, най-вече заради най-стария и уважаван университет в страната. Градът е разположен на река Емайъги и има население около 100 000 души (2004).

  12. 04/05/2007

    rendeto каза:

    Amortization usually refers to spreading an intangible asset’s cost over that asset’s useful life. Depreciation, on the other hand, refers to prorating a tangible asset’s cost over that asset’s life. Depletion refers to the allocation of the cost of natural resources over time.

  13. 25/05/2007

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    A Trackback is one of three types of Linkbacks, methods for Web authors to request notification when somebody links to one of their documents. This enables authors to keep track of who is linking to, or referring to their articles.

  14. 25/05/2007

    rendeto каза:

    In computer science, a memory leak is a particular kind of unintentional memory consumption by a computer program where the program fails to release memory when no longer needed. The term is meant as a humorous misnomer, since memory is not physically lost from the computer. Rather, memory is allocated to a program, and that program subsequently loses the ability to access it due to program logic flaws. A memory leak can diminish the performance of the computer by reducing the amount of available memory. Eventually, in the worst case, too much of the available memory may become allocated and all or part of the system or device stops working correctly or the application fails.

  15. 30/05/2007

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    La Sagrada Família (Catalan, ‘The Holy Family’) is a large Roman Catholic basilica under construction in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. Antoni Gaudí worked on the project for over 40 years, devoting the last 15 years of his life entirely to this endeavour. On the subject of the extremely long construction period, Gaudí is said to have joked, “My client is not in a hurry.”

  16. 30/05/2007

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    Mercosur (Spanish: Mercado Común del Sur, English: Southern Common Market) is a Regional Trade Agreement (RTA) between Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Paraguay, founded in 1991 by the Treaty of Asunción, which was later amended and updated by the 1994 Treaty of Ouro Preto. Its purpose is to promote free trade and the fluid movement of goods, peoples, and currency.

  17. 30/05/2007

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    Княжество Сийланд е микронация, намираща се на бивша военна платформа на около 10 км от английския бряг близо до град Ипсуич.

  18. 11/06/2007

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    Промискуитет се нарича практиката на безразборен избор. Най-често терминът се употребява са сексуалните контакти и означава безразборно избиране на интимни партньори.

  19. 11/06/2007

    rendeto каза:

    Атон (“слънчев диск”, “тялото на Ра”) е древноегипетски бог, свързван с първия монотеистичен култ в човешката история. Особено е бил почитан от фараона – реформатор Ехнатон и съпругата му Нефертити, които го провъзгласяват за върховно божество,въпреки несъгласието на другите жреци по време на египетската 18 династия.

  20. 11/06/2007

    rendeto каза:

    Темпераментът е „съвкупността от устойчиви индивидуални психични свойства, определящи динамиката на психическата дейност на човека и оставящи относително постоянни при различни мотиви, съдържание и цели на дейността”. Класическата типология на темпераментите се базира на една древна класификация. Хипократ през V век пр.н.е. описва четири човешки типа според „преобладаващата в организма им течност”: сангвиник (кръв), холерик (жълта жлъчка), флегматик (лимфа) и меланхолик (черна жлъчка).

  21. 11/06/2007

    rendeto каза:

    The half-life of a quantity, subject to exponential decay, is the time required for the quantity to decay to half of its initial value. The concept originated in the study of radioactive decay, but applies to many other fields as well, including phenomena which are described by non-exponential decays.

  22. 11/06/2007

    rendeto каза:

    Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) is a popular file format for audio data compression. Being a lossless compression format, FLAC does not remove information from the audio stream, as lossy compression formats such as MP3 and AAC do.

  23. 13/06/2007

    rendeto каза:

    Пантеон е дума с гръцки корен (от Πάνθειον, всички богове) и се ползва като термин, означаващ набора от всички божества в дадена политеистична религия. Пантеонът в Рим е построен в 27 – 25 г. пр.н.е. от Марк Випсаний Агрипа, приятел и генерал на Август, като храм на деветте божества на седемте планети от официалната религия в Древния Рим и е бил християннски храм от 7-ми век. Той е най-добре запазеният от всички древни римски сгради. Използван е като храм през цялата му история.

  24. 13/06/2007

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    Orion (IPA: /ə(ʊ)ˈraɪən/), a constellation often referred to as The Hunter, is a prominent constellation, one of the largest and perhaps the best-known and most conspicuous in the sky. Its brilliant stars are found on the celestial equator and are visible throughout the world, making this constellation universally recognized. In the northern hemisphere Orion is visible in the evening from November to April.

  25. 13/06/2007

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    Hudson Bay (French: baie d’Hudson) is a large (1.23 million km²), relatively shallow body of water in northeastern Canada. A smaller offshoot of the bay, James Bay, lies to the south. The IHO lists Hudson Bay as part of the Arctic Ocean. On the east it is connected with the Atlantic Ocean by Hudson Strait, and on the north with the rest of the Arctic Ocean by Foxe Basin (which is not considered part of the bay) and Fury and Hecla Strait. Geographic coordinates: 78° to 95° W, 51° to 70° N.

  26. 13/06/2007

    rendeto каза:

    Куклен (на гръцки: Κούκλενα, Куклена) е град в Южна България, разположен в полите на Родопите, на 12 км южно от гр. Пловдив.

  27. 13/06/2007

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    Николай Константинович Рьорих (1874-1947) е руски художник и духовен учител. Баща е на художника Светослав Рьорих. Николай и съпругата му Елена Рьорих основават теософското дружество Агни Йога.

  28. 20/06/2007

    rendeto каза:

    Черната дупка е струпване на огромна маса в малък обем с толкова силно гравитационно поле, че втора космическа скорост е по-голяма от тази на светлината. Поради това дори и светлината не е в състояние да преодолее тази сила, оттам и името „черна“ дупка.

  29. 20/06/2007

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    An ion thruster (or ion drive) is one of several types of spacecraft propulsion, specifically electric propulsion. It uses beams of ions — electrically charged atoms or molecules — for propulsion. The precise method for accelerating the ions may vary, but all designs take advantage of the charge-to-mass ratio of ions to accelerate them to very high velocities using a high electric field.

  30. 21/06/2007

    rendeto каза:

    “Love handles” is a colloquial or slang term for a layer of fat that is deposited around a person’s midsection, especially visible on the sides over the abdominal external oblique muscle. Love handles are more common in men than women, as the midsection is one of the first regions where fat is stored in the male body. (Women tend to accumulate fat around the hips and thighs). Love handles generally become more pronounced as a person ages and approaches middle age, due to a lower activity level.

  31. 21/06/2007

    rendeto каза:

    Секстант е уред за измерване на ъгъла между Слънцето или някоя звезда и точка от хоризонта. Изобретен е от Джон Хадли и Томас Годфри в Англия. Секстантът е бил използван главно за определяне на местоположението на кораба. С него корабният щурман наблюдава Слънцето през опушено стъкло на телескопа. Той засича чрез система от огледала избрана точка от хоризонта. Ъгълът между слънцето и точката от хоризонта се отчита по градуираната скала на уреда.

  32. 21/06/2007

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    A protagonist is the main figure of a piece of literature or drama and has the main part or role. Alternatively, the phrase denotes a primary advocate of or proponent for a cause or movement.

  33. 21/06/2007

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    The term “Nibiru” comes from the Sumerian cuneiform tablets and writings dating 5,000 years old. The term Nibiru means “Planet of the crossing”. According to these theories of Sumerian cosmology, Nibiru was the twelfth member in the solar system family of planets (which includes 10 planets, the Sun, and the Moon).
    According to proponents such as renowned historian, Hebrew scholar, author, speaker and archaeologist Zecharia Sitchin and Burak Eldem the Nibiru appearing in Sumerian records correctly refers to a large planetary body. Their research proposes that it possesses a highly elliptical, 3630-year orbit.

  34. 22/06/2007

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    WYSIWYG (IPA Pronunciation [wɪziwɪg] or [wiziwɪg]), is an acronym for What You See Is What You Get, used in computing to describe a system in which content during editing appears very similar to the final product. It is commonly used for word processors, but has other applications, such as Web (HTML) authoring.

  35. 25/06/2007

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    A hybrid vehicle (HV) is a vehicle that uses two or more distinct power or fuel sources. The term most commonly refers to Hybrid-electric vehicle (HEV) which includes internal combustion engines and electric motors (generally powered by electric batteries or other rechargeable energy storage system -RESS-).

  36. 25/06/2007

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    При състоянието на сомати – медитация, отпъждаща отрицателната психическа енергия, човек разбира водещата роля на душата. При дълбоко сомати обмяната на веществата намалява почти до нулата, пулсът и дишането спират, а тялото добива т.нар. каменно състояние. При температура 4 оС (характерна за гробниците в пирамидите, дълбоките бункери и пещерите) в състояние на сомати може да се оцелее дълго и човек да се събуди след години, ако обаче душата му се върне в тялото.

  37. 25/06/2007

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    Лаврентий Павлович Берия е съветски политик и началник на съветските тайни служби. Берия е известен като ръководител на организираната от Сталин Голяма чистка през 1930-те, но всъщност той ръководи само заключителната й фаза. Преди да бъде доведен на работа в Москва, през 20-те години на 20 век. той е бил шеф на ГПУ в Грузия, а после секретар на грузинската компартия.

  38. 25/06/2007

    rendeto каза:

    Теософия, (от гръцки език „божествена мъдрост“ или „мъдрост на боговете“), обозначава няколко обществени идеи. Думата била съставена през деветнайсети век от Елена Петровна Блаватска за обозначаване на нейната религиозно-философска доктрина, която поддържа, че всички религии са опити на човечеството да се докоснат до абсолюта, и следователно всяка религия съдържа част от истината. Привържениците на теософията твърдят че “истината” е тази, която създава основите на всички религии. Заявяват, че теософията представя съвременния облик на Санатана Дхарма, “безкрайната истина”, като правилна религия.

  39. 25/06/2007

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    Mount Kailash is a peak in the Gangdisê mountains in the Tibet region of China and is considered as a sacred place in four religions—Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Bön faith. In Hindu mythology, it is considered to be the abode of Lord Shiva. The mountain lies near Lake Manasarowar and Lake Rakshastal in Tibet.

  40. 25/06/2007

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    Окултизмът (от латински occultus – “скрит”, “таен”) е общо наименование на група разнородни мистични течения, поставящи си за цел изследванито на скрита реалност, която не може да бъде обяснена чисто рационално и остава извън обхвата на физическите науки.

  41. 27/06/2007

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    A general practitioner (GP), family physician or family practitioner (FP) is a physician/medical doctor who provides primary care. A GP/FP treats acute and chronic illnesses, provides preventive care and health education for all ages and both sexes. Some also care for hospitalized patients, do minor surgery and/or obstetrics, where they have hospital privileges.

  42. 28/06/2007

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    FCL in intermodal freight transport refers to a Full Container Load.

  43. 05/07/2007

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    In photography, angle of view describes the angular extent of a given scene that is imaged by a camera. It parallels, and may be used interchangeably with, the more general visual term field of view.

  44. 12/07/2007

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    Henry I Sinclair, Earl of Orkney, Baron of Roslin, and Lord of Shetland (c.1345-c.1400), was a Scottish explorer and nobleman. He is sometimes identified by the correct spelling of this surname, Henry St Clair. He was the grandfather of William Sinclair, 1st Earl of Caithness, the builder of Rosslyn Chapel. He is also noted for being the subject of legend that he undertook early explorations of Greenland and North America in about the year 1398. According to a biography published many years after his death, he died in battle against English forces around the year 1400.

  45. 12/07/2007

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    Албигойският кръстоносен поход (наричан още Катарски кръстоносен поход) (1209–1229) е 20-годишна военна операция, започната от Римската католическа църква с цел да се унищожи ереста на катарите в Лангедок. Историческата му важност се дължи на няколко причини: насилието е крайно дори по средновековните мерки; църквата предлага законно одобрена власт над завзетите земи на благородниците от Северна Франция и краля на Франция (които всъщност служат като католически наемници), с които към Франция се присъединяват райони, които по онова време имат по-близки културни и езикови връзки с Каталония; на края, Албигойският кръстоносен поход изиграва роля в създаването и институционализирането както на Доминиканския орден, така и на Инквизицията.

  46. 12/07/2007

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    Oak Island is a 140 acre (570,000 m²) island in Lunenberg County on the south shore of Nova Scotia, Canada. Oak Island is noted as the location of the so-called Money Pit, a site of numerous excavations to recover treasure believed by many to be buried there. The island is privately owned and advance permission is required for any visitation.

  47. 12/07/2007

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    Алцек според Теофан Изповедник е петия син на кан Кубрат. След разпадането на Велика България с част от прабългарите се заселват в земите на Лангобардското кралство. По-късно са прогонени от там и една малка група от тези българи се заселват в около Равена – днешна Италия.

  48. 12/07/2007

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    A cross screen filter, also known as a star filter, creates a star pattern, in which lines radiate outward from bright objects. The star pattern is generated by a very fine diffraction grating embedded in the filter, or sometimes by the use of prisms in the filter. The number of stars varies by the construction of the filter, as does the number of points each star has.

  49. 12/07/2007

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    Giovanni da Verrazzano (c. 1485 – c. 1528) was an Italian explorer of North America, in the service of the French crown. He is renowned as the first European to explore the Atlantic coast of North America between South Carolina and Newfoundland in 1524.

  50. 12/07/2007

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    An Earl or Jarl was an Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian title, meaning “chieftain” and it referred especially to chieftains set to rule a territory in a king’s stead. In Scandinavia, it became obsolete in the Middle Ages, and replaced with duke (hertig/hertug), whereas, in Britain, it became synonymous with the continental count.
    Today, an earl is a member of the British peerage and ranks below a Marquess and above a Viscount. Since there is no feminine form of Earl, the wife of an Earl bears the rank of Countess (the continental equivalent).

  51. 12/07/2007

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    Wratten numbers are a labeling system for optical filters, usually for photographic use.

  52. 12/07/2007

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    Francis Bacon, 1st Viscount St Alban (22 January 1561 – 9 April 1626) was an English philosopher, statesman, and essayist, but is best known as a philosophical advocate and defender of the scientific revolution.

  53. 12/07/2007

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    Birefringence, or double refraction, is the decomposition of a ray of light into two rays (the ordinary ray and the extraordinary ray) when it passes through certain types of material, such as calcite crystals or white carbon, depending on the polarization of the light. This effect can occur only if the structure of the material is anisotropic.

  54. 12/07/2007

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    Anisotropy is the property of being directionally dependent, as opposed to isotropy, which means homogeneity in all directions. It can be defined as a difference in a physical property (absorbance, refractive index, density, etc.) for some material when measured along different axes.

  55. 12/07/2007

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    The Newport Tower is a round stone tower located in Touro Park in Newport, Rhode Island (USA). The accepted explanation of its origin is that it was a mill built in the mid 17th century. However, some historians, as well as amateur researchers, have claimed that it is several centuries older, thus being evidence of a pre-Columbian settlement in New England.

  56. 20/07/2007

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    A flash mob (or inexplicable mob) is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, do something unusual for a brief period of time, then quickly disperse.

  57. 23/07/2007

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    A dark frame is a photography technique to identify noise in a CCD imaging device. This is done by recording without exposing the CCD, usually by leaving the shutter closed and putting the CCD in a dark room. These “dark frames” are then subtracted from subsequent images to correct for extraneous noise in the CCD. The noise is often caused by hot pixels. Hot pixels are sensors on the CCD with higher than normal charge leakage. On long exposure, they can appear as bright pixels.
    Sensors on the CCD that always appears as brighter pixels are called stuck pixels while sensors that only brighten up after long exposure, are called hot pixels.

  58. 23/07/2007

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    Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH) is a type of legal entity very common in Germany (where it was created in 1892), Austria (adopted in 1906), Switzerland, and other Central European countries.

  59. 01/08/2007

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    CMYK (short for cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (Black), and often referred to as process color or four color) is a subtractive color model, used in color printing, also used to describe the printing process itself. The CMYK model works by partially or entirely masking certain colors on the typically white background (that is, absorbing particular wavelengths of light). Such a model is called subtractive because inks “subtract” brightness from white.
    In additive color models such as RGB, white is the “additive” combination of all primary colored lights, while black is the absence of light. In the CMYK model, it is just the opposite: white is the natural color of the paper or other background, while black results from a full combination of colored inks. To save money on ink, and to produce deeper black tones, unsaturated and dark colors are produced by substituting black ink for the combination of cyan, magenta and yellow.

  60. 01/08/2007

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    A moiré pattern (IPA: [mwɑː] or [ˈmwɑːreɪ]) is an interference pattern created, for example, when two grids are overlaid at an angle, or when they have slightly different mesh sizes.
    Moiré patterns are often an undesired artifact of images produced by various digital imaging and computer graphics techniques, for example when scanning a halftone picture or ray tracing a checkered plane. This cause of moiré is a special case of aliasing, due to undersampling a fine regular pattern.

  61. 20/08/2007

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    Emo (pronounced /ˈiːmoʊ/) is a somewhat ambiguous slang term most frequently used to describe or refer to a fashion, style, or attitude linked to post-hardcore. Emo may also describe emo music or a general emotional state (as in to “feel emo”). It is also (sometimes pejoratively) used to identify someone who fits a particular emo stereotype or category or someone who is overly-emotional.
    When referring to a person’s personality and attitude, most definitions of emo hold that an emo person is emotionally candid, sensitive, shy, introverted, glum, and quiet. Depressed and broken-hearted are sometimes used to describe the emo personality. Emo music and poetry contain multiple references to unrequited love, emotional and relationship problems. Being melodramatic or overly emotional is also often associated with being emo.
    By almost all current definitions, Emo clothing is characterized by tight jeans on males and females alike, long fringe (bangs) brushed to one side of the face or over one or both eyes, dyed black, straightened hair, tight t-shirts which often bear the names of rock bands (or other designed shirts), studded belts, belt buckles, canvas sneakers or skate shoes or other black shoes (often old and beaten up) and, if they wear glasses, they will often be thick, black horn-rimmed glasses.

  62. 23/08/2007

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    The walk of shame refers to any phenomenon in which a person has to take a walk in front of strangers or peers for an embarrassing reason before reaching a place of privacy. Most commonly, it occurs the morning after a night out at a bar or a dance club or a party. People undertaking the walk of shame are understood to have spent the night at the house or apartment or dorm of a sexual partner, particularly a one night stand. Due to this, they can be recognized by the fact that they are still wearing the clothes they wore the night before, have disheveled “bed head” or “sex head” hair, If they are a woman might have smudged makeup on their face, smell like cigarettes and/or booze, and are often suffering from a hangover due to excessive alcohol or drug intake from the previous night.

  63. 27/08/2007

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    Carpe diem is a phrase from a Latin poem by Horace (Odes 1.11). It is popularly translated as seize the day, although a more literal translation of “carpe” would be “pluck” (pluck the day), as in the picking or plucking of fruit.

  64. 28/08/2007

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    The Hilton Quota is the informal name of the Tariff Quota regulated by the Commission Regulation (EC) No 936/97 of 27 May 1997 for the European Union. It consists of a quota of 58,100 tonnes of high-quality fresh, chilled and frozen beef. The suppliers are Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The Hilton Quota beef enjoys a duty preference vis-à-vis the European Union Most Favoured Nation import regime.

  65. 02/09/2007

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    The Holga is an inexpensive, medium format 120 film toy camera, originating in Germany, that later came to be appreciated for its low-fidelity aesthetic.
    The Holga’s cheap construction and simple meniscus lens often yields pictures that display vignetting, blur, light leaks, and other distortions. Ironically, the camera’s quality problems became a virtue among some photographers, with Holga photos winning awards and competitions in art and news photography.

  66. 05/09/2007

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    The bench press is a form of weightlifting which primarily focuses on the development of the pectoralis major muscle as well as other supporting muscles. The lifter lies on his/her back on a bench while pushing up and lowering down a weighted bar directly above the chest. While the exercise is primarily intended for the development of the chest, or pectoral muscles, it also helps develop the anterior deltoids, serratus anterior, coracobrachialis, as well as the triceps.

  67. 10/10/2007

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    Wicca is a nature-based religion found in various countries throughout the world. It was first popularized in 1954 by Gerald Gardner, a retired British civil servant. He claimed that the religion, of which he was an initiate, was a modern survival of an old witchcraft religion, which had existed in secret for hundreds of years, originating in the pre-Christian Paganism of Europe.

  68. 17/10/2007

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    Бактрия е историческа област, обхващаща днешен Северен Афганистан, в части от планините Памир и Хиндукуш и на запад от тях. Областта Бактрия е свързана с една от съвременните теории за произхода на българския народ. В този контекст тя е наричана Балхара. Според Петър Добрев с „Балх“ и „Балхар“ в индийския религиозен епос Махабхарата е обозначаван народът „бългх“, заради липсата или трудност при използването на звука „ъ“ в произнасянето и записването на „българи“. Оттук се извежда хипотезата, че това е най-старата известна родина на прабългарите.

  69. 18/10/2007

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    In the mathematical field of numerical analysis, a Bézier curve is a parametric curve important in computer graphics. Generalizations of Bézier curves to higher dimensions are called Bézier surfaces, of which the Bézier triangle is a special case.

  70. 06/11/2007

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    A White Russian is a sweet cocktail made from vodka, coffee liqueur (e.g., Kahlúa or Tia Maria), and cream served in an old-fashioned glass with ice. Milk is often used as a substitute for cream.

  71. 08/11/2007

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    Каган или хаган, хакан, кехан е върховен титул на владетелите от Pax Nomadica, засвидетелстван първо при древните монголи – сянбийци и жужани (руран), а впоследствие и при тюрки, уйгури, киргизи, хазари, авари, тюргеши и дори руси. При Махмуд Кашгари (XI в.), неговото значение е предадено като “хан на хановете”, т.е. е съответствало на “император”.

  72. 21/11/2007

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    Asphyxiophilia, erotic asphyxiation, or breath control play, is the practice of intentionally reducing the amount of oxygen to the brain during sexual stimulation in order to heighten the received pleasure from orgasm.

  73. 26/11/2007

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    ЕСГРАОН е абревиатура на Единна система за гражданска регистрация и административно обслужване на населението, създадена през 1977 г. с постановление на Министерския съвет на Република България.
    Представлява национална автоматизирана информационна система, която съдържа официални данни за всеки гражданин, разпределени в 21 категории. Поддържа се от Главна дирекция “Гражданска регистрация и административно обслужване” (ГРАО) на Министерството на регионалното развитие и благоустройството.

  74. 26/11/2007

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    Бръснач на О̀кам е най-разпространеното наименование на принципа за простотата в науката. Съгласно този принцип от множеството теории, които обясняват един и същ проблем, за предпочитане е най-простата.

  75. 20/12/2007

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    Доминион (англ. dominion, от лат. dominium — владение) — фактически независимое государство в составе Британской империи (позднее — в составе Британского Содружества), признающее главой государства британского монарха, представленного в доминионе генерал-губернатором.

  76. 09/01/2008

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    Leet (written 31337, 1337, and l33t), or Leetspeak, is a written argot used primarily on the Internet, which uses various combinations of alphanumerics to replace Latinate letters. The term is derived from the word “elite”, and the usage it describes is a specialized form of shorthand.

  77. 03/04/2008

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    Звездата от Вергина или Звездата от Кутлеш (среща се и като Слънцето от Вергина/Кутлеш, на гръцки: Ήλιος της Βεργίνας, Илиос тис Вергинас, на македонски книжовен език: Ѕвездата од Кутлеш, Сонцето од Кутлеш) е символ, който представлява стилизирана звезда със шестнадесет лъча. Открита е при археологически разкопки в околностите на село Вергина (бивше Кутлеш), Северна Гърция, изобразена върху златния ларнакс, намерен от проф. Манолис Андроникос през 1977 в царска гробница от времето на Антична Македония.

  78. 17/04/2008

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    Candid photography is photography that focuses on spontaneity rather than technique, on the immersion of a camera within events rather than focusing on setting up a staged situation or on preparing a lengthy camera setup.

  79. 18/04/2008

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    Три събития от чешката история са известни като Пражки дефенестрации (от латински, изхвърляне през прозореца).
    Първа Пражка дефенестрация се нарича убийството на седем члена на градския съвет на Прага от тълпа радикални хусити на 30 юли 1419 г. Малко след това започват Хуситските войни, които продължават до 1436 г.
    Втората Пражка дефенестрация поставя началото на Тридесетгодишната война през 1618 г. След избора на Фердинанд II за император на Свещената Римска империя, чешките аристократи се разбунтуват. На 23 май 1618 г. неколцина от тях залавят двама императорски управители и един писар и ги изхвърлят през прозорците на Пражкия замък, без да ги наранят сериозно.
    Третата дефенестрация става на 10 март 1948 г., когато чехословашкият външен министър Ян Масарик, последният несоциалистически член на правителството, е намерен мъртъв под прозорците на Външното министерство в Прага. Спекулациите около смъртта му продължават и днес, въпреки че няма доказателства за участието или неучастието на правителството.

  80. 21/05/2008

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    Baalbek is a town in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon, situated east of the Litani River. It is famous for its exquisitely detailed but monumentally scaled temple ruins of the Roman period, when Baalbek, known as Heliopolis was one of the largest sanctuaries in the Empire.

  81. 18/06/2008

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    Paisley or Paisley pattern is a droplet-shaped vegetal motif of Persian origin, similar to half of the Yin yang symbol, or the leaf of the Indian bodhi tree or the mango tree; or to a leech.

  82. 27/06/2008

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    Антипапа е термин, с който в католическата религия се означава носител на званието папа, който не е признат от цялата католическа общност. Обикновено въпросът за това, кой от претендентите за папския престол е законния папа и кой антипапата, се решава след „победата“ на привържениците на единия или другия. Относно някои претенденти, спорът не е решен и до днес.

  83. 28/06/2008

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    In computing, a hypervisor (also: virtual machine monitor) is a virtualization platform that allows multiple operating systems to run on a host computer at the same time.

  84. 02/07/2008

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    A mural is a large scale painting that traditionally appeared on any hard surface such as a wall or ceiling. In the present day, a mural can also be painted on a movable surface, such as canvas, muslin or wooden panels and subsequently applied to a permanent surface.

  85. 09/09/2008

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    In peer-to-peer networking, a supernode works as one of that network’s relayers and proxy servers, handling data flow and connections for other users. This usually requires a fairly fast Internet connection with a lot of bandwidth and a modest amount of CPU time, as a lot of data will invariably pass through the supernode and needs to be processed.

  86. 09/09/2008

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    Lion dance is a form of traditional dance in Chinese culture, in which performers mimic a lion’s movements in a lion costume

  87. 02/10/2008

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    Рейки е форма на алтернативна медицина, разработена (преоткрита) в късната половина на 19-ти век от Микао Усуи в Япония. Рейки се радва на разширяваща се популярност излизайки от Япония, разпростирайки се в Европа и САЩ. Практикуващите Рейки вярват, че са канали на енергията Рейки, която идва от вселената, минавайки през телата и дланите им, вливайки се в нуждаещите се от лечение лекуващи се.

  88. 02/10/2008

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    Vaudeville was a genre of variety entertainment prevalent on the stage in the United States and Canada, from the early 1880s until the early 1930s. Each evening’s bill of performance was made up of a series of separate, unrelated acts. Types of acts included (among others) musicians (both classical and popular), dancers, comedians, trained animals, magicians, female and male impersonators, acrobats, one-act plays or scenes from plays, athletes, lecturing celebrities, minstrels, and short movies.

  89. 13/10/2008

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    A white elephant is a valuable possession which its owner cannot dispose of and whose cost (particularly cost of upkeep) exceeds its usefulness.

  90. 15/10/2008

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    The Möbius strip or Möbius band is a surface with only one side and only one boundary component. It has the mathematical property of being non-orientable.

  91. 16/10/2008

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    Октановото число е мярка за детонационната устойчивост на автомобилните бензини. То е условна единица и показва каква склонност към детонация има изпитваният образец сравнен със склонностите към детонация на приети еталони. Еталоните са нормален хептан с приета склонност към детонация (октаново число) равна на 0 (нула) и изооктан с приета склонност към детонация (октаново число) равна на 100 (сто). От тези две химични вещества обемно се изготвят еталонни смеси с известно октаново число и на определена апаратура се сравнява склонноста към детонация на тези смеси с изпитвания образец. Така се определя точното октаново число на образеца.

  92. 07/11/2008

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    A blueprint is a type of paper-based reproduction usually of a technical drawing, documenting an architecture or an engineering design. More generally, the term “blueprint” has come to be used to refer to any detailed plan.

  93. 28/11/2008

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    Autopoiesis literally means “auto (self)-creation” (from the Greek: auto – αυτό for self- and poiesis – ποίησις for creation or production), and expresses a fundamental dialectic between structure and function.

  94. 28/11/2008

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    Interweb (sometimes interwebs, intarweb(s), or rendered in leet spellings as 1n73rw3b and other variations) is an ironic term used to indicate inexperience by intentionally and incorrectly merging the terms ‘Internet’ and ‘World Wide Web’.

  95. 03/12/2008

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    A lolcat is an image combining a photograph, most frequently of a cat, with a humorous and idiosyncratic caption in (often) broken English—a dialect which is known as “lolspeak,” ”kitteh,” or “kitty pidgin” and which parodies the poor grammar typically attributed to Internet slang.

  96. 05/12/2008

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    Омерта (на италиански: omertà — мъжественост, чест) е кодекс на честа на мафията. Думата придобива широка известност с романа на Марио Пузо “Кръстникът”.

  97. 10/12/2008

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    Съотношение на неопределеност на Хайзенберг е твърдение в квантовата физика, че мястото и имулса на дадена частица не могат да бъдат точно определени едновременно.

  98. 20/12/2008

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    An ambigram, also sometimes known as an inversion or flipscript, is a graphical figure that spells out one or more words not only in its form as presented, but also in another direction or orientation. The text spelled out in the other direction or orientation is often the same, but can also be a different text.

  99. 20/12/2008

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    The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a metabolic or cellular structure in the central nervous system (CNS) that restricts the passage of various chemical substances and microscopic objects (e.g. bacteria) between the bloodstream and the neural tissue itself, while still allowing the passage of substances essential to metabolic function (e.g. oxygen).

  100. 20/12/2008

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    Glutamine (abbreviated as Gln or Q; the abbreviation Glx or Z represents either glutamine or glutamic acid) is one of the 20 amino acids encoded by the standard genetic code.

  101. 30/12/2008

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    Бантустаните са територии, определени като племенни „родини“ на черните южноафриканци по време на Апартейда.

  102. 31/12/2008

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    The men’s dormitory on Meldemannstraße 27 in Brigittenau district, Vienna, Austria was a public dormitory for men (German: Männerwohnheim) from 1905 to 2003. It is a subject of public interest primarily because it was the residence of Adolf Hitler, the later ruler of Nazi Germany, from 1910 to 1913.

  103. 26/01/2009

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    Евгениката е социална философия, която отстоява подобряването на човешката наследствени белези чрез различни форми на вмешателство.

  104. 30/01/2009

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    Survivalism is a commonly used term for the preparedness strategy and subculture of individuals or groups anticipating and making preparations for future possible disruptions in local, regional or worldwide social or political order.

  105. 02/02/2009

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    Баст (наречена по-късно Бастет) е богиня на любовта, радостта, празниците, танците, музиката, плодородието, покровителка на бременните жени в египетската митология. Също е въплъщавала животворната и лекуваща сила на слънцето, за разлика от Сехмет – символ на изпепеляващата му сила. Вярвало се, че лекува болните и помага на реколтата да узрее. Изобразявана е като жена с глава на котка или лъвица, с кошница в ръце. Понякога изобразявана просто като котка. Дъщеря на бога на слънцето Ра. Покровителка е на Бубастис – градът, където е почитана.

  106. 07/02/2009

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    Неонатологията е субспециалност на педиатрията, която се занимава с медицински грижи за новородените, по-специално болните или недоносените.

  107. 27/05/2009

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    A raid is a type of mission in a video game, where the objective is to use a very large number of people, relative to a normal team size set by the game, to defeat a boss.

  108. 21/06/2009

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    The Stig was the name given to the racing driver on the BBC show Top Gear.

  109. 11/08/2009

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    The buzzwords viral marketing and viral advertising refer to marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives (such as product sales) through self-replicating viral processes, analogous to the spread of pathological and computer viruses.

  110. 01/09/2009

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    Гоа (на английски Goa) е най-малкият щат в Индия. Намира се на западното крайбрежие на Западна Индия.

  111. 09/09/2009

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    Гранитът е една от най-разпространените магмени скали в природата. Той съставлява 95% от обема на всички интрузивни скали. Съдържа кварц, ортоклаз, биотит и други минерали. Гранитът е от най-плътните и твърди скали, освен това има ниско водопоглъщане и висока устойчивост на студ.

  112. 23/09/2009

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    A rainbow table is a lookup table offering a time-memory tradeoff used in recovering the plaintext password from a password hash generated by a hash function, often a cryptographic hash function.

  113. 07/10/2009

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    The Streisand effect is an Internet phenomenon where an attempt to censor or remove a piece of information backfires, causing the information to be widely publicized.

  114. 20/11/2009

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    A goitre (BrE), or goiter (AmE) (Latin gutteria, struma), also called a bronchocele, is a swelling in the thyroid gland,[1] which can lead to a swelling of the neck or larynx (voice box). Goitre usually occurs when the thyroid gland is not functioning properly.

  115. 08/12/2009

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    A tomboy is a girl who exhibits some characteristics of the gender role of a boy.

    This social phenomenon typically manifests itself through some of these characteristics:

    * The wearing of typically masculine-oriented types of clothes.
    * The practice of games and activities (often physical in nature) that are typically considered to be the domain of boys.
    * Heterosociality, the preference to befriend boys rather than other girls.

  116. 09/12/2009

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    За първи път попадам тук, а уж ти ровичкам из блог-а ;)

  117. 12/01/2010

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    The PIT maneuver is a method by which one car pursuing another can force the pursued vehicle to abruptly turn sideways to the direction of travel, causing the driver to lose control and stop. The acronym “PIT” has a number of different meanings, depending on the agency using it or school teaching it. The most common meanings are Precision Immobilization Technique, Pursuit Immobilization Technique, Pursuit Intervention Technique, Parallel Immobilization Technique, and Precision Intervention Tactic.

  118. 12/01/2010

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    The excess capacity is a situation in which actual production is less than what is achievable or optimal for a firm. This often means that the demand in the market for the product is below what the firm could potentially supply to the market.

  119. 25/01/2010

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    The Banach–Tarski paradox is a theorem in set theoretic geometry which states that a solid ball in 3-dimensional space can be split into a finite number of non-overlapping pieces, which can then be put back together in a different way to yield two identical copies of the original ball. The reassembly process involves only moving the pieces around and rotating them, without changing their shape.

  120. 19/04/2010

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    An apanage or appanage is the grant of an estate, titles, offices, or other things of value to the younger male children of a sovereign, who under the system of primogeniture would otherwise have no inheritance.

  121. 19/11/2010

    rendeto каза:

    Model–View–Controller (MVC) is a software architecture, currently considered an architectural pattern used in software engineering. The pattern isolates “domain logic” (the application logic for the user) from the user interface (input and presentation), permitting independent development, testing and maintenance of each (separation of concerns).

  122. 20/11/2010

    rendeto каза:

    Ambidexterity is the state of being equally adept in the use of both left and right appendages (such as the hands). It is one of the most famous varieties of cross-dominance. People that are naturally ambidextrous are rare, with only one out of one hundred people being naturally ambidextrous. The degree of versatility with each hand is generally the qualitative factor in determining a person’s ambidexterity.

  123. 26/02/2011

    rendeto каза:

    Lobotomy (Greek: λοβός – lobos: “lobe (of brain)”; τομή – tome: “cut/slice”) is a neurosurgical procedure, a form of psychosurgery, also known as a leukotomy or leucotomy (from the Greek λευκός – leukos: “clear/white” and tome). It consists of cutting the connections to and from the prefrontal cortex, the anterior part of the frontal lobes of the brain.

  124. 30/03/2014

    rendeto каза:

    Eidetic memory (/aɪˈdɛtɪk/), commonly referred to as photographic memory or total recall, is the ability to recall images, sounds or objects in memory with great precision, and is not acquired throughmnemonics.

  125. 14/08/2014

    rendeto каза:

    The cultural and artistic events of 15th century Italy are collectively referred to as the Quattrocento (Italian pronunciation: [kwattroˈtʃɛnto]; from the Italian for the number 400, or from “millequattrocento,” 1400). Quattrocento encompasses the artistic styles of the late Middle Ages (most notably International Gothic) and the early Renaissance.

  126. 23/06/2023

    slotdemo pg каза:

    SlotDemo PGคือการเล่นเกมสล็อตออนไลน์ในรูปแบบทดลองเล่นฟรี โดยไม่ต้องลงทุนเงินจริง แต่สามารถเล่นได้เหมือนกับการเล่นเกมสล็อตจริงๆ โดยมีเครื่องมือต่างๆ PGSLOT

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